Common Places Asbestos Can Be Found in a Home or Factory
30 Years Experience
When it comes to our homes and workplaces, safety is a top priority. One hidden danger many older buildings have is asbestos. If you've ever heard about asbestos and wondered where it might be lurking, you're not alone. Let's explore the common places where asbestos might be found in both homes and factories.
What is Asbestos?
Before diving into the locations, it's helpful to understand what asbestos is. Asbestos is a mineral made up of tiny, strong fibers. Back in the day, because it was resistant to heat, fire, and many chemicals, it was widely used in building and manufacturing.
Asbestos in the Home
Older homes, especially those built before the 1980s, might contain asbestos in various areas:
- "Fibro" panels used on external and internal walls Early fibro panels were manufactured using asbestos. These fibro sheets were used throughout homes to create walls and ceilings.
- Insulation: Many homes built between the 1930s and 1970s used asbestos insulation. If you go up into your attic and see a fluffy, loose-fill insulation, it might contain asbestos.
- Floor Tiles: Some vinyl tiles and the glue used to stick them down might have asbestos. They usually have a particular size or pattern that can give them away.
- Roofing and Siding: Asbestos was used in shingles for the roof and siding because of its fire-resistant quality.
- Popcorn Ceilings: Some ceilings sprayed with a textured, "popcorn" coating might contain asbestos.
- Heat-Resistant Materials: Older homes might have asbestos around furnaces, wood-burning stoves, or fireplaces because asbestos is good at resisting heat.
- Wall and Pipe Coverings: The wrapping or covering on water or heating pipes might be asbestos, as might some old paints or compounds used on walls and ceilings.
Asbestos in Factories
Factories, due to their industrial nature, had a wide range of uses for asbestos. Here are some areas asbestos might be hiding:
- "Fibro" panels used on external and internal walls Fibro panels made factory construction quick and cheap. Just like in homes, many factories have asbestos containing panels used for walls and ceilings.
- Insulation: Just like in homes, factories used asbestos for insulation, especially around high-temperature equipment.
- Boilers and Furnaces: Large heating systems in factories were often insulated with asbestos-containing materials to handle high temperatures.
- Gaskets: These are materials placed between two other objects to create a tight seal. In factories, asbestos gaskets were used for machines and pipes that dealt with high temperatures or pressures.
- Roofing: Many factory roofs were made with asbestos-containing materials due to their strength and fire resistance.
- Pipe Systems: Factories have extensive piping systems. Asbestos was used to insulate these pipes, especially if they carried hot liquids or gases.
- Fireproofing: In areas where fire risks were high, asbestos might have been used as a fireproofing material on walls, ceilings, or around specific equipment.
What to Do If You Suspect Asbestos?
If you think there might be asbestos in your home or workplace, don't panic. Here's what you should do:
- Don't Disturb It: Asbestos is most dangerous when it's damaged and its fibers get into the air. If you suspect a material contains asbestos, it's best not to touch, poke, or disturb it in any way.
- Consult a Professional: There are experts trained to handle and test for asbestos. If you're unsure about a material, call a professional to check it out.
- Stay Informed: Awareness is a powerful tool. Understanding where asbestos might be and how to handle it can keep you and those around you safe.
Take control and remove your asbestos
Asbestos was once praised for its many qualities, but we now know it poses health risks. By understanding the common places asbestos can be found and taking the necessary precautions, we can create safer living and working environments. Always prioritize safety and seek expert advice when in doubt.
Being proactive and informed about the potential risks in our surroundings can make a significant difference in our overall well-being. Knowledge is always your best defense against hazards like asbestos.
Call 0407 050 694 today for an obligation free discussion about how we can help you with your asbestos problems or asbestos removal.