Western Sydney Asbestos Removal and Disposal
30 Years Experience
Up until the 1980's there were a large number of building products that contained asbestos fibres. These materials included fibro that was used for internal and external walls, insulation that was used in a variety of situations including within old water heaters, various types of vinyl tiles, roofing products and a lot more.
Because much of the development of western Sydney happened during the time that these building products were in use there are still many houses within the Western suburbs that contain these building products.
In many cases if the building materials are still in a good state of condition the materials can possibly be left as they are. If the building materials appear to be damaged and are releasing fibres then these materials can potentially be extremely dangerous to you, your family or your workmates health.
If you have a property in the western suburbs and you find yourself in this situation then the best thing to do is call a licensed contractor like NSWAR in Silverwater. We can advise you of the best course of action over the phone and if required can send a team out to remove and dispose of the materials in question.
NSWAR in Silverwater employs a team of experienced asbestos removal professionals who can ensure that you comply with the NSW regulations and guidelines and can give you the peace of mind that the offending materials have been dealt with in a thorough and compliant manner.
Call us today on 0407 050 694 to discuss your project. We are centrally located in Silverwater in Sydney's western suburbs and we service all of Sydney and most of NSW.