Asbestos testing kits in Sydney

30 Years Experience

There are a number of companies in Sydney and in Australia that are offering asbestos testing kits which you either order online or you order by phone.

Generally, what these kits consist of are safe handling equipment such as 1500 microguard overalls, a respirator, bags to put the samples in etc. What the kits also have is a voucher for you to present to a Sydney testing laboratory where you send your samples for testing to determine whether they actually contain asbestos or not.

Once you get your results back from the lab and you know what your building materials are made of you can then determine your approach in terms of removing or repairing the materials.

At alternative to going through this whole process with the testing kits is to contact an asbestos removing contractor like NSWAR. We can come out to your Sydney home or business and give you a very good indication in terms of what you are dealing with. If necessary we have a number of Sydney based labs that we deal with who do the testing for us and can let you know quite quickly what your materials are made from. We can then remove and dispose of the asbestos materials with a minimum of fuss.

So, if you are thinking about buying an asbestos testing kit, why not talk to us first. You may find that it saves you a huge amount of bother and doesn't cost you too much more money either. Call us in Sydney today on 0407 050 694 for a no obligation chat.