Asbestos removal in the Parramatta area
30 Years Experience
During the 1920's to 1970's tens of thousands of new homes were built in Parramatta in Sydneys western suburbs. This was a period of massive property development across the entire western suburbs of Sydney and new suburbs, roads, railway stations and infrastructure was created at an incredible rate.
To cope with the building boom, new materials and methods of building houses were developed and many of these new products contained asbestos fibres.
Unfortunately, as these houses were built before the dangers of asbestos became known, a high proportion of these Parramatta and western suburbs houses were built with building products that contained dangerous fibres.
Asbestos was used in a wide range of the building products mass produced in those times. It was used in both domestic and commercial developments. These potentially dangerous building products may have been used in bathrooms in terms of wall coverings and compressed cement flooring, they may have been used as fibro sheeting on the internal and external walls, they may have been used as underlay or backing for floor tiles, or they may have been used as roofing tiles for your main house, outbuildings or garages plus a whole range of variety of other uses. For the layperson it can be extremely difficult to identify all of the possible areas of your house that could be effected.
NSW asbestos removal based in Silverwater have been demolishing and organising the removal of asbestos products from Paramatta houses for over 30 years. We are fully licensed and insured and employ a select team of highly skilled removal professionals who can quickly and efficiently rid you of your asbestos problem. We are straight talkers and will charge you a reasonable rate for both removal and disposal. We take extreme care when carrying out any asbestos removal job and we always err on the cautious side. If it looks like it may possible be suspect then we will treat it as though it us. Your safety, the safety of your family and the safety of our workers is paramount to us.
If you think your Parramatta home or building may be at risk of containing asbestos related products then call us and we can take samples of the products and test them to determine whether what they have been made of. Even if you just want some advice in terms of what you are able to do yourself and what you ned a professional for then please give us a call, we will be happy to help.
If you want us to then organise demolition and removal/disposal then we will do so quickly and efficiently. You might be surprised at how cost effective it can be to get an asbestos removal professional in to do the job.
Call us today to talk about your Parramatta building or home's asbestos problem.